I had an excellent time at my floor's Christmas party after work on Friday night! I had quite a number of drinks and even acquired a "husband".
The story starts with a colleague "Ace". From the moment he arrived, he had a young woman hanging around him, wanting his attention. He had told her that he was married with children, but this did not seem to deter her at all. At one point he and I were sitting, watching everyone else when she came over and started chatting to him again, wanting him to go on the dancefloor with her. He then introduced me as his "wife". Again, this did not deter her, and she continued trying to get him on to the dance floor.
He turned to me and asked, "Is it okay for me to go on the dance floor honey?" Not one to miss a trick, I responded, "Sure you can, sweetie." I was happy for him to go, but no, he dragged me along as well! Some time after this, I was on the dance floor with other colleagues - you know the feeling when you get the "evil eye"? Well, I was getting it from this girl, BIG TIME!
Again, later in the evening we were again sitting down when she came and joined us and must have asked him if he had proposed on bended knee. He responded that he had and that I didn't give him an answer for a week, after which he begged for an answer.
Now, I found this all highly amusing (*evil grin*) and found it hard to keep the smile off my face. My cheeks were sore from trying not to smile! Kudos to Ace!!