The End Of Summer
Today is officially the last day of summer. Hmmm... I think someone forgot to tell mother nature that!
It is 10 o'clock at night here and it is still 26.4 degrees celsius!
I truly hate summer... Bring on winter!!!!!
A superficial glance into the incoherent thoughts and ramblings of a thirty something.
Today is officially the last day of summer. Hmmm... I think someone forgot to tell mother nature that!
It is 10 o'clock at night here and it is still 26.4 degrees celsius!
I truly hate summer... Bring on winter!!!!!
Posted by
10:20 pm
On Sunday afternoon I spent an enjoyable couple of hours at a baby shower for my very pregnant friend. She's due in 5 weeks, but me thinks it's going to be earlier - not by a lot though!
On the drive home, I had a police car sitting behind me the majority of the way. It was quite funny because sometimes, he was tailgating me! Tsk, tsk, naughty Mr Policeman!
Posted by
9:58 pm
I think the majority of women can agree with any of these...
Posted by
12:20 am
I saw the funniest thing leaving work the other day...
3 people were trying to load 6 or 7 bags of beans (you know the ones) for bean bags, into a little car.
Those bags are about 1.5 metres long and about 1 metre in diameter and they could only get 5 of them in the car - that was without the passengers!
They had 1 in the front passenger seat and had put the back seat down and could only get 4 in the back.
Where were the passengers going to go with the other remaining bags? On the roof?! *amused grin*
Posted by
9:40 pm
I did not have the best day at work today! I managed to 'lose' my security pass and I was trapped in an elevator at work for 1 hour!
I had to collect the milk supplies for the day and put my security card on the bench in the kitchen while I stocked the fridges. When I went to pick it up it was gone. I double checked that I had not put it in either fridge by mistake. I sent an email out to the floor in case someone else picked it up by mistake. It was and they eventually returned it a couple of hours later.
Then, as I was going out for lunch, the elevator I was in got stuck somewhere between the first and ground floor.
I felt like a tool having to press the emergency button, but I did and waited for further instructions via the emergency telephone (as per instructions in the elevator). Five minutes later I was still waiting, and so pressed the emergency button again. Still nothing.
I pulled out my mobile, found a spot in the elevator where the signal was the strongest, and rang our switchboard operator to let them know that I was stuck.
She put me on hold while she notified our 'Help Desk'. A few minutes later she came back to let me know that they had been notified. She asked if I was alright and then said she would keep me on hold.
After a few more minutes she came back and asked if I wanted to stay on hold, considering I was paying for the call, or she would keep in touch via the emergency phone. I said to keep in touch via the emergency phone.
I had nothing to do because I didn't have a book or a magazine, so I sat down on the floor and sent out a text message to all my friends, telling them of my predicament.
Over the next 30 minutes, the lady on the switchboard called me a few times to let me know what was happening. Each time she rang, my mobile would start ringing with an incoming text from friends.
It was at this time that she asked if I had been contacted by someone from the elevator service company. I told her no. The next thing I know, I get a call from one of the guys from our help desk asking me the same thing.
He rang me again about 10 minutes later to let me know that he was waiting for someone to get back to him with an eta, when his mobile rings - it was the elevator service company! He told me that it would be another 15 to 20 minutes before anyone could get there.
So, an hour later (and well over the time when my lunch break finished) I finally escaped.
I'm so glad I am not claustrophobic!
Posted by
9:15 pm
Labels: claustrophobia, elevator
My supervisor at work today asked if I would like to do some overtime tomorrow.
She indicated that it would mean working later which I was fine with, but the person who does the rosters, decided he wanted me to work an hour and a half longer, but start an hour and a half earlier than I have been all week!
Why, oh why, did I say yes?
Posted by
9:53 pm
I went out for drinks Friday night after work with Ace & another work colleague, to celebrate his birthday from the week before and also to celebrate him leaving our department for greener pastures.
We went to Bar On Barracks, which I never knew existed, even though I walk right past it at least once a week when I'm on my lunch break.
The plan was to have a couple of drinks, stay a couple of hours, then head on home on the train. Needless to say, that didn't happen.
I ended up having Baileys, a Southern Comfort & coke, a Cocksucking Cowboy, a triple shot of Southern Comfort & coke in a pint glass (I asked for a double but the bar guy must have liked me because I saw him put in 3) and another Southern Comfort & coke. So, how many standard drinks is that in a little over 2 hours? *wince*
We walked our colleague back to the car park, and then she offered to drop us both at the train station on her way past. Then Ace piped up and asked if she could drop him home if he chipped in $20 for fuel. She said yes and asked me if I wanted to come for the drive. I thought why the hell not. So it turned into a road trip because Ace lives down Rockingham way.
We got to Ace's place just before midnight, had another drink (I had Vodka & coke - I haven't drunk Vodka in years!) then headed home.
I drove the 5 minutes it takes from the train station home (I know, I know. I shouldn't drink and drive) at the decent time of 1.30am.
I wasn't tired at all and stayed up until sunrise, cleaning my room, then went to bed. I only managed 2 hours of sleep before I was up cleaning the rest of the house.
Now I'm going to head off to bed and sleep like the dead.
Posted by
12:38 am
I got 170.5! I have an extensive collection of 80's cd's which helped.
Click the picture for the quiz.
Posted by
11:59 pm
While I was waiting for a file to download, I thought I would Google a random sentence and see what came up.
I typed in "pick your nose" and hit "I'm feeling lucky".
Try it yourself and see what happens, or you can cheat and follow the link:
I think it's great fun, for a laugh!
Posted by
10:36 pm
With it being a hectic couple of weeks, I forgot a couple of birthdays...
Happy Birthday to Cheryl, Elaine & Jackie!
Posted by
10:18 pm
I'd like to wish my mum a Happy Birthday for today.
She's 52 years young!
I still have no idea what present to get her! *sheepish grin*
Posted by
9:35 pm
I'm going to make this a regular thing.
Posted by
11:21 pm
Labels: obscure facts, random facts, tidbits