Computer Problems Solved
I got my computer back again and it is working great! Also, I am now on broadband instead of dial up! Yay!!
A superficial glance into the incoherent thoughts and ramblings of a thirty something.
I got my computer back again and it is working great! Also, I am now on broadband instead of dial up! Yay!!
Posted by
11:01 pm
I took my computer back to where I had it built to have them do a general clean up of my hard drive and to increase my RAM while I was on holidays, and ever since I have been having problems with my dial up connection timing out after only half an hour (it is not getting disconnected) and some downloads won't install.
I tried to drop it off yesterday for them to look at, but they were closed, so will drop it off tomorrow. Last time they had it, I was without my computer for nearly a week and it drove me mental. I wonder how long it will take this time?
Once it's fixed, I'll be able to publish a heap of posts I haven't got around to finishing yet!
Posted by
9:11 pm
I caught up with a friend and her new baby yesterday when they came over for a roast lunch.
It was the first time we've caught up since she's had him. Even though it's only been a couple of months since I went to her baby shower, so much has happened in that time... it feels as though time is going that much faster.
While we caught up on everything that has happened, my folks took bub for a walk since it was such a beautiful day - not too cold or windy.
All in all it was a pleasant afternoon. *happy face*
Posted by
8:41 pm
Tomorrow is my first day back at work in 2 and a half weeks - I am so looking forward to it! *sarcastic smile*
Posted by
9:13 pm
It was my oldest friend's birthday last night so I headed over to his sister's place in Ballajura for a bbq. It was good to catch up with him again. I even managed to get him on video dancing like an idiot.
It was a fairly cold night but we were all dancing and having fun listening to some obscure 80's songs (even some I don't remember & that is saying something!)
Hopefully it isn't another 12mths before I get to see him again this time.
Posted by
9:02 pm
My mum and I went and saw this in Gold Class at Innaloo on Tuesday. It was her first time in Gold Class so she was very impressed with the seats. We ordered chicken strips and potato wedges for lunch. The food was a little expensive, but very yummy! *satsified grin*
I am a huge fan of both Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom - both are easy on the eye, and Orlando's accent... *swoon*
Plot: Captain Jack Sparrow is caught in yet another tangled web of supernatural intrigue. It turns out Jack owes a blood debt to the legendary Davey Jones, ruler of the ocean depths and captain of the ghostly Flying Dutchman. If Jack can’t figure a craft way out of this one he’ll be cursed to an afterlife of eternal servitude and damnation. And as if that weren’t enough, Captain Jack’s problems throw a huge wrench into the wedding plans of the blissful Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, who quickly find themselves thrust into Jack’s misadventures.
Posted by
8:40 pm
Labels: movie review
It is official! I turned the big 30 today! I had a lovely day...
I had a roast lunch with my parents, then headed off to the pub for a few drinks with a good friend from work. We watched the second half of whichever football match was on as well as watching Robbie Williams in concert - oh and also kept an eye on the talent. We then headed off for ice cream at Baskin Robbins - my favourite!
At least this year I didn't get a text message at 7 am - I switched off my mobile last night and didn't turn it back on until I went to the pub.
Thank you to everyone who has sent me a text message/card/email.
Posted by
11:35 pm
Being a member of the social club at work I had the opportunity to go and see this today for free. The shorts they show on the television are pretty much all the funny bits there are. If I had to pay for a ticket, I would have been a little disappointed.
Plot: Spring has sprung and Verne and his woodland friends awaken from their long winter’s nap to discover that a tall green “thing” has mysteriously cropped up right through the middle of their home. Enter RJ, an opportunistic raccoon, who explains that the world beyond the hedge is the “gateway to the good life” where peculiar creatures called humans live to eat, rather than eat to live.
Suspicious and even a little jealous of RJ, the ever-cautious turtle, Verne wants to keep his blended family safely on their side of the hedge. But, proving the adage that one man’s garbage is another man’s – or rather, animal’s – treasure, the manipulative RJ tries to convince the woodland band that there is little to fear and everything to gain from their over-indulgent neighbours. Eventually, RJ and Verne form an unlikely friendship as they learn to co-exist with – and even exploit – this strange new world called suburbia.
Posted by
9:10 pm
Labels: movie review
Today is one of my good friend's birthday. She has just turned the big 30!
I wish you all the best for the next 30!
Posted by
11:15 pm
I arrived back from Melbourne late last night. As soon as I got home I emptied my suitcase and sorted my washing out, ready for the morning. The next thing I did was jump on the internet and downloaded all my emails.
While in Melbourne I went to the Queen Victoria markets - it is huge - but a lot of the stalls have the same stuff. My feet were so sore from all the walking that when I got back to my apartment, I filled up my kitchen sink, hoisted myself up onto the bench and soaked my feet in there!
On Satruday I met up with friends and went to a footy game at the MCG (Melbourne vs Port Adelaide) - that was the only time my entire trip that I was cold, I could not get warm! Even though we were under cover there was a strong wind that kept blowing through.
After the footy, we walked back to the Crown Casino for dinner and then walked around the casino. Compared to Perth, it is massive! There are 3 floors of basically wall to wall poker machines, roulette tables and blackjack tables. There is also a perspex container full of shiny $1 coins totalling $1million!! I actually spotted Phil from Human Nature in the foyer of the Crown Complex!
I also went to the Melbourne Aquarium (although I did do this on the last day of school holidays over there so it was full of screaming children who kept getting in the way when I was trying to take pictures).
I also went to the Old Melbourne Gaol and saw Ned Kelly's (and a few others) death mask and gun. I visited the Royal Botanic Gardens, Docklands, the University, the Shrine of Remembrance and also went to the Observation Deck.
All in all it was great to get away. If I could have arranged it, I would have stayed longer and explored a bit further out of the city, but that can wait until next time.
Posted by
11:41 pm