Sunday, 20 November 2011

Work Gala

I had a wonderful time tonight at the Gala.  I've worked there 11 years but have never gone to before.  I'm not one for dressing up but thought I should go as it might be my last chance.  I have seriously been thinking of quitting to travel around the world for a year or so.

I had borrowed a hip flask to take my own alcohol in with me as they weren't serving any spirits.  Conrad assisted me several times to top up my drinks (both as lookout and barman) hehe.

Tom, I don't know how many times I told you that we haven't won lotto and Holly, that was a nice spill you took on the stairs.  Thank god you didn't do a Britney and not wear underwear!! *huge grin*

I only just got home a few minutes ago and am waiting on my photo's to upload onto Facebook.  I know there will be quite a few sore heads tomorrow, I mean later today.