Sunday, 5 March 2006

Shopping Bargain

I went shopping on Saturday because I was supposed to be looking for new shoes for work. I ended up with a great bargain, but no shoes.

I managed to buy 9, yes 9 tops, that normally retail for $20+ each, for the grand total of $50.00! Gotta love those clearance sales! * happy claps * Still have to buy new shoes though. :(

This is always a dilemma for me because I can't wear closed in backs nor closed in toes, or anything with a heel because I just can't walk in them without twisting my ankle - which I have done numerous times, on both ankles both ways, so at anytime (which happens every now and then) they may give out.

Many years ago I found THE perfect shoe for me, so I bought several pairs. Unfortunately they have all gone to shoe heaven and are no longer made because they aren't "in".

But for now I will keep looking and keep my fingers crossed that the repairs I did to my old pair hold up a little while longer.

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