Saturday, 20 May 2006

Road Rage

Driving along Wanneroo Road the other day, on my way to Mirrabooka Shopping Centre, I was being tailgated by a rather impatient driver.

I was watching him in my rearview mirror and could not believe my eyes! Instead of trying to intimidate me to speed up or change lanes by flashing his lights or using his horn (as people do) he drove up onto the kerb! He ended up passing me in the other lane and cut back across in front of the car in front of me. He was trying to catch up with a commodore that was a few cars ahead.

He kept jumping lanes, cutting it close a couple of times to the cars either side of him until he got in front of the commodore. If you've ever seen a movie or video clip with those cars where the back end keeps bouncing, that is what he was doing.

What a loser!!

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