Sunday, 9 March 2008

A Surprise Birthday

I got a call from Ace at about 8 o'clock last night inviting me to his daughter's 5th birthday party for today at the children's playground in Kings Park. He said it was fairly easy to find. As I pointed out to him, I haven't been to Kings Park in over 20 years so had no idea where things were located.

It started at 3 and I only planned on staying for 2 hurs but didn't end up getting home until 9. I thought he meant the children's adventure playground but apparently there's a newer one on the outskirts of the park which is where they were.

At one point his son who is almost 3 couldn't be found. Ace and I went looking for him. I found him and we all headed back to the party for some food and games. But he disappeared again so I checked around the playground and then thought I would check the children's toilets just in case.

He was sitting on the toilet and was literally covered head to foot in you know what! I found Ace and told him his son needed him in the toilets (well, he's not mine so it's not my job to clean him up!)

30 plus minutes later out he comes, clothes soaking wet. Guess who had to keep him entertained in the sun while he dried off? You guessed right!

We didn't end up leaving until almost 7 and I helped them take all the presents back to their place and stayed while they were unwrapped - the kids were too hyped from the sugar and weren't really interested in opening the presents at the party.

It was great fun. Now they get to do it again in a few weeks for their son!

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