Saturday, 21 March 2009

Pool Party

I spent a few hours with Ace and his family today for his daughter, Saffron's 6th birthday. The weather was nice for a pool party, (although not quite warm enough for me to jump in) but some parents did.

It was quite amusing because Ace is in his late 20's, but most of the other parents are in their mid 40's, so as you can imagine, some of the dad's were wearing speedo's - not the best look for middle aged men!! *grin*

Ace and his wife have split up (and by all accounts it is not an amicable split) and when she picked the kids up there was a bit of a showdown - she turned up with her new boyfriend & Ace had his girlfriend there.

We went back to his place to chill out. All us girls lounged on the grass out the back, drinking wine while the 2 boys unloaded the cars. The boys came outside and disappeared around to the veggie patch and came back a few minutes later with a container full of chilli's.

His brother's girlfriend wanted to try one of the chilli's. Ace warned her more than once that they were very hot, so she should only take a small bite, but she ignored him and ate the whole thing - seeds and all. She was fine for about 30 seconds but then you could see the sweat on her face and her eyes watering. She ran for the house to get some water. We were all rolling around on the lawn laughing our arses off at her!!

20 minutes later and she was still struggling to calm down (as were we). It was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.

I've got to try me one of those chilli's....

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