Saturday, 16 May 2009

Random Facts 26

  1. An igloo is so well insulated that you can sit inside without a coat when the outside temperature is as low as -30degrees.

  2. The first VCR was made in 1956 and was the size of a piano.

  3. 90% of all living things in the sea are made up of plankton.

  4. In Pacific Grove, California, it is a misdemeanour to kill a butterfly.

  5. The literal translation of the word wonton is "swallowing a cloud".

  6. 90-95% of all sensory perceptions are accounted for by sight.

  7. Lungs are 100 times easier to blow up than a child's balloon.

  8. Fingernails grow faster on your favoured hand.

  9. The average adult eyeball weighs under 30 grams.

  10. Clams have a row of eyes around their shells.

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