Saturday, 30 July 2011

Xmas In July

Dan and I decided to go for a drive down to Rockingham to check out the shops.  Neither of us have been there in ages and it was a relatively nice day, until it started raining after we got to Rockingham.

It's looking much better now that they have almost finished renovating the place.

We both managed to pick up a couple of gifts we needed for the party we were going to in West Perth.

Back at my place we spent the afternoon scanning Dan's documents for the job she was applying for to teach English in Europe for 10 months.  I have a feeling she is going to get it.

We then got dressed for the party, luckily it wasn't fancy because it was freezing outside.

I've been to the house once before for a bbq but never went inside.  I've not been to a party where you're name has to be on the guest list which the security guy checks before you're allowed in. 

We played a different kind of pass the parcel game.  We each were given a gift, but we were 'allowed' to swap it for another gift if we chose - take the gift off another person - but it wasn't guaranteed that we would get to keep that gift because someone else could elect to swap their gift.  There was a very popular Jenga game that was swapped several times. 

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