Tuesday, 1 August 2006

Doctor, Doctor

I took a trip up to Joondalup hospital's after hours GP last night because I was in so much pain.

Over the weekend I'd had a really sore head (not self inflicted!) because one of the "lumps" on my head was extremely sore & very sensitive. It was so bad on Sunday night, that I couldn't even sleep on that side. It felt like somebody had stuck a drawing pin in my head.

I struggled through work on Monday (knowing that if I called in sick we would be extremely under staffed) without taking any pain killers because I had been chewing them all weekend like they were fruit tingles.

I couldn't take anymore, (by this stage my whole left side of my head/neck & shoulder was so tense, nothing was helping) so headed up to the hospital.

The doctor took a look at the lump, said it was a sebaceous cyst and then he squeezed it. Right then it felt like somebody had stuck a screwdriver in my head. I had black spots clouding my vision for pretty much the whole time he was squeezing (about 2 minutes).

It continued to throb for the next couple of days but it was such a relief for it to be gone.

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