Happy New Year - 2009
Happy New Year everyone!
May 2009 be the best year yet!!
A superficial glance into the incoherent thoughts and ramblings of a thirty something.
Happy New Year everyone!
May 2009 be the best year yet!!
Posted by
11:59 pm
My mum and I have just arrived home after going to see this. We both absolutely loved it and can't understand why it has been overlooked for the major awards.
It is beautifully shot and a wonderful storyline. The only downside was we didn't get to see enough of Hugh's body!! Yum!!
Plot: A romantic action-adventure set in northern Australia prior to World War II, AUSTRALIA centers on an English aristocrat (Kidman) who inherits a ranch the size of Maryland. When English cattle barons plot to take her land, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn cattle driver (Jackman) to drive 2000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the country's most unforgiving land, only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia by the Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only months earlier.
Posted by
9:48 pm
Labels: Hugh Jackman, movie review, nicole kidman
A friend from work and I planned to go see this as soon as we knew when it was going to be released. The problem was that I wanted to see it in Gold Class (because I had vouchers) and every session was packed out for weeks. I persisted though and finally got tickets to see it tonight!
I have to say that my companion was a pain in the arse... she kept trying to talk to me during the movie. I only ever make a comment, maybe a word or two, but she actually nattered on for a minute with me trying to shush her!
Plot: Quantum of Solace continues the high octane adventures of James Bond in Casino Royale. Betrayed by Vesper, the woman he loved, 007 fights the urge to make his latest mission personal. Pursuing his determination to uncover the truth, Bond and M interrogate Mr White who reveals the organisation which blackmailed Vesper is far more complex and dangerous than anyone had imagined. Forensic intelligence links an Mi6 traitor to a bank account in Haiti where a case of mistaken identity introduces Bond to the beautiful but feisty Camille, a woman who has her own vendetta.
Camille leads Bond straight to Dominic Greene, a ruthless business man and major force within the mysterious organisation.On a mission that leads him to Austria, Italy and South America, Bond allies with old friends in a battle to uncover the truth. As he gets closer to finding the man responsible for the betrayal of Vesper, 007 must keep one step ahead of the CIA, the terrorists and even M, to unravel Greene’s sinister plan and stop his organisation
Posted by
11:15 pm
Labels: daniel craig, james bond, movie review, quantum of solace
So... I've not long been home from catching up with my friend and his new partner.
I found out so much about what he/they've been up to for the last few years, it's doing my head in! Between them they have six children! Six!!
They are obviously a lovely couple and he seems to be starting to get his life back together after the problems he's had in the past. I am so happy for him that it's happening.
And here's the bonus... she is a lovely person who, unlike his previous partners, understands that our friendship is not a threat to their relationship.
Posted by
8:45 pm
Well, looks like fate has stepped in and told me I need to catch up with my friend!
I didn't even make it to the shops last night - I was feeling extremely ill on the train ride home so didn't end up going to the travel agent.
Well... wish me luck for Sunday...
Posted by
9:56 pm
I got a friend request from my friend's partner to add her on Facebook with an invitation to meet me and catch up next weekend.
I have to say that I am not entirely sure if I want to get back in touch with him. I've got him on Facebook, but he never responds to anything I send him which is getting quite insulting. I've at least had some contact with his brother through Facebook...
I was planning on going away next weekend, either to Adelaide or Melbourne, but have yet to book. I will leave it up to fate to decide... On Thursday I will go to the travel agent after work, and if they are busy, then I will go. If they aren't busy, then I will go to Adelaide.
There! Course of action decided!
Posted by
10:58 pm
I am a fan of Brendan Fraser. He always seems so down to earth. I loved him in Encino Man and he's hot in the Mummy series. There is just a nice touch of humour throughout, nothing too over the top.
I have never seen a movie in 3D let alone anything in 3D - it was so cool!
Plot: Professor Trevor Anderson receives his teenager nephew Sean Anderson. He will spend ten days with his uncle while his mother, Elizabeth, prepares to move to Canada. She gives a box to Trevor that belonged to his missing brother, Max, and Trevor finds a book with references to the last journey his brother took. He decides to follow the steps of Max with Sean and they travel to Iceland, where they meet the guide Hannah Ásgeirsson. While climbing a mountain, there is a thunderstorm and they protect themselves in a cave. However, a lightening strike collapses the entrance and the trio is trapped in the cave. They seek an exit down a hole, discovering a lost world in the center of the Earth.
Posted by
5:35 pm
Labels: brendan fraser, journey to the centre of the earth, movie review
Posted by
10:50 pm
Our office hosted the Telethon phone room this weekend which meant we had to clear our desks of everything! And I mean EVERYTHING!!
We were supplied with a single cardboard box into which we had to put everything that was on our desks into - not so bad if you had only been working there a couple of weeks, but for people who have been there 8 years (and quite a few longer) there was no way we would ever fit everything in 1 lousy box! I managed to snag another box & stored a lot of stuff under my desk where nobody could see it.
But, when I returned to work today, my chair had been adjusted, my headset replaced and crumbs and spilled drink all over my desk - Not happy Jan!!!
It took me an hour to clean up and get all my stuff set up again!
So not happy!! :(
Posted by
7:59 pm
Becasue I knew that I had a bed for the night, I was able to really let loose with the drinking which I've not done for ages and ended up having a blast!
We were all outside gathered round the Webber for warmth, when the girls decided at around 11, to head down into Subiaco to one of the clubs. (Considering we had been drinking Tequila shots for most of the night & had already polished of a bottle and a half of Vodka and Midori, I'm not sure how they expected to be let in when they were more than a little pissed).
I ended up staying behind with the boys, mainly because I was wearing my comfy sneakers so wouldn't have been admitted to any of the clubs.
We were still gathered around the Webber, and I must say, guys say some pretty interesting things when their partners aren't around!! They then decided they wanted to play on the Wii, so inside we trooped (I have never played or watched the Wii, so was interesting!) The remaining guys (there were three) decided to play golf and I watched. It was hilarious. One guy ended up having to play so many shots on the second hole, that the game interrupted and just put him onto the next hole! ;)
The birthday girl came home an hour later & her other half ended up driving her friends into Northbridge (she was too drunk!!) While the other half was away, we ended up playing golf on the Wii - I've never had more fun!!
We went to bed around 1ish, but I couldn't get comfortable, and ended up not falling asleep until 3, Then waking up at 4 and 5 and 6 and 7, then finally slept until 9, then I finally got up.
Birthday girl and I cooked ourselves eggs and toast for breakfast and went outside to eat. Her other half surfaced about an hour later and one of her girlfriends from the previous night, rocked up not long after that - she had just come from a club!
I ended up getting home about 1 in the afternoon to an empty house and was finally able to have a shower!! Ahhh bliss!!
Posted by
4:58 pm
An old school friend and I had made plans to try out The Botanica Bar & Bistro that recently reopened at Innaloo.
We booked for 6.30 but had to change the time as my friend suddenly got her monthlies on the way to her dad's place where I was to pick her up which ended up staining her jeans (every woman's worst nightmare!). She ended up having to go to the laundromat & wash and dry her jeans before we could go out.
We finally got there about 7.45. I had rung up and changed our booking to that time but they had given away our table - the person who took my call didn't update the bookings calendar!
They gave us a complimentary drink while we sat in the beer garden (which is very nice) and waited for a table.
We soon sat down for our dinner when halfway through, I realised that part of one of my fillings had come out and it kept scratching my tongue every time I swallowed or chewed!
We then went to the Paddington after for a couple of drinks and witnessed a fight between patrons and saw a couple of the bouncers chase after some guys through the park across the road. Not to mention the numerous people staggering across the road to the kebab place about midnight ;)
Posted by
1:26 am
Posted by
10:34 pm
Labels: random facts, tidbits
It was a last minute decision to go see this. I had won a double pass, but nobody was free to go with me and it was the last day that it was showing.
It bridges the gap between "The Clone Wars" and "Revenge of the Sith" but it has been ages since I've seen either of them. Probably would have been a good idea to watch them again, but...
Posted by
6:58 pm
How do you tell an old friend that they are behaving like a bastard? One of my friends is driving me mad. I've known him since I was in high school. We've been through a fair bit together and he's always been a bit unreliable but now it's starting to feel like an insult.
I haven't actually seen him at all for the last 2 years. He only gets in touch once in a blue moon. The last time I received a text announcing the birth of his son - great, considering I didn't even know he was in a relationship, let alone pregnant! And the time before that he called me at 2 in the morning wanting to know if I was out on the town - I was, up until he called, asleep because I was not well!!
I think the last time we actually spoke when he was supposed to be my 'date' for my friend's wedding a while ago, but cancelled literally 5 minutes before he was supposed to have been at my house to go!
I've added him as a friend on Facebook and not entirely sure if I should keep him there.
Would you say that's the behaviour of a good friend?
Posted by
8:59 pm
A mini reunion was organised for last night at The Paddo (Paddington Alehouse in Mount Lawley).
I recieved the invite via Facebook which said "Reunion at The Paddo from 8 onwards".
I arrived at 9 went inside and proceeded to look for the private function signs (as you would assume they would have up for people to gather) but couldn't find any. So I wandered around the several bar areas they have there, looking for a familiar (if somewhat older) face but couldn't find anyone after half an hour.
I went back to my car, but didn't give up at this point.
I rang another high school friend who was going to drop in to the reunion on her way home from another function but only got her voicemail. I left her a message to call me so we could go in together - she never answered.
After about an hour, I tried again, this time I even resorted to planting myself outside the toilets and still no joy.
I got chatting with a group of people who were backpacking around Australia, but ended up leaving by about 11.30.
I checked out the photos on Facebook the next day. A guy I'd had a secret crush on was there and he looks exactly the same and still does it for me.
Hopefully for the next one it will be a bit more organised.
Posted by
11:37 am
Labels: High school, Reunion
I quite enjoyed this, although there were many *cringe* worthy moments from the very beginning. I loved it when Colin Firth's character 'came out' at the wedding. Hillarious!!!
Plot: An independent, single mother who owns a small hotel on an idyllic Greek island, Donna is about to let go of Sophie, the spirited daughter she’s raised alone. For Sophie’s wedding, Donna has invited her two lifelong best girlfriends but Sophie has secretly invited three guests of her own. On a quest to find the identity of her father to walk her down the aisle, she brings back three men from Donna’s past to the Mediterranean paradise they visited 20 years earlier. New love will bloom and old romances will be rekindled on this lush island full of possibilities.
Posted by
2:41 pm
Labels: abba, movie review
A couple of the girls and I went to Bingo tonight after work. I haven't played bingo in 15+ years (Mum used to take us out every now and then to the big one in Bayswater which has since closed).
We each contributed some food, although I did forget a knife to cut the Camembert which made things interesting - crackers do not make a good knife!
I ended up winning $10 and was waiting for 1 number for ages on the jackpot which was $700! Spewing!
It was great fun and it looks like it will be a regular thing.
Posted by
11:20 pm
Labels: Bingo
I wanted to hold off on seeing this until all the kiddies went back to school because I knew it would be packed at most sessions and that all the young kids would be running around the cinemas or talking throughout the whole thing.
I can't wait to see Wall-E. (They showed the preview for it!) He looks so cute, but funnily he looks very much like No.5 from the movie Short Circuit (No.5 is alive)
Plot: Po the Panda is a lowly waiter in a noodle restaurant, who is a kung fu fanatic but whose shape doesn't exactly lend itself to kung fu fighting. In fact, Po's defining characteristic appears to be that he is the laziest of all the animals in ancient China. That's a problem because powerful enemies are at the gates, and all hopes have been pinned on a prophesy naming Po as the "Chosen One" to save the day. A group of martial arts masters are going to need a black belt in patience if they are going to turn this slacker panda into a kung fu fighter before it's too late.
Posted by
3:26 pm
Labels: movie review
I am really starting to like Adam Sandler's movies - mostly the recent ones and found him especially good in the last one I saw him in - Reign Over Me.
In this movie I thought he looked better before his makeover with the curly hair. Mariah Carey proves she can act by playing herself (yeah right!)
Plot: Zohan Dvir, Israel's hero and their greatest counter-terrorism army commando who, after growing tired of his Israeli post-draft's standing service, fakes his own death in order to pursue his dream: becoming a hairstylist in New York.
Posted by
3:10 pm
Labels: adam sandler, movie review
I was treated to lunch at a nice cafe and this movie for my birthday by a friend. Another friend was supposed to come but she was too hung over from the night before. ;)
I really like Will Smith as an actor, I liked him in Independance Day (my kind of humour) and also in I Am Legend (a great movie!!)
It was humorous and quite enjoyable, though predictable.
A good movie for the teenage boys.
Plot: There are heroes…there are superheroes…and then there’s Hancock. With great power comes great responsibility – everyone knows that – everyone, that is, except Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic and misunderstood, Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but always seem to leave jaw-dropping damage in their wake. The public has finally had enough – as grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn’t the kind of man who cares what other people think – until the day that he saves the life of PR executive Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman), and the sardonic superhero begins to realize that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be Hancock’s greatest challenge yet – and a task that may prove impossible as Ray’s wife, Mary (Charlize Theron), insists that he’s a lost cause.
Posted by
2:59 pm
Labels: Hancock, movie review, Will Smith
Posted by
8:23 pm
Labels: random facts, tidbits
I caught up with an old high school friend for a coffee and a chat out at Midland today.
She has 3 kids - her oldest, the only boy, is 13! And her other 3 girls are all under 6! And she looks fantastic considering!
We've been chatting on Facebook and IM over the last few weeks. I must admit I was a little reluctant to catch up, only because I've stacked on heaps of weight over the years, but I thought what the hell!
We reminisced about all the guys we had crushes on and all the scandals that happened when we were at school. Sometimes I miss those days....
Posted by
4:02 pm
Now that I am finally on holidays, I can treat myself to all the movies I've been dying to see.
I've only just watched The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe so could follow the story (having never read the books I had no idea what it was about)
I think it was a great movie - the first one better than this (as is nearly always the case).
Plot: The Pevensie siblings are magically transported back from England to the world of Narnia, where a thrilling, perilous new adventure and an even greater test of their faith and courage awaits them.
Posted by
2:09 pm
Labels: chronicles of narnia, movie review
I've succumbed to peer pressure and am now on Facebook.
I've managed to find a few people from High School on it, so should make things a little easier when trying to organise a reunion.
Some of it's applications are cool!
Posted by
12:38 am
I made contact with an old friend from high school through the old School Friends Reunited website.
We spent a good couple of hours on IM reminiscing about the guys we used to have crushes on at school.
We plan to catch up and try to organise a bit of a reunion.
Posted by
12:25 am
Labels: High school
Saw this for a little bit of light entertainment with a friend from work. I've had a major headache all weekend and just couldn't concentrate on anything for too long. Cameron & Ashton mesh so well together. I especially liked the scenes when they were each trying to stop the other from getting to the counsellor's appointment.
Plot: Two strangers awaken together to discover they've gotten married following a night of debauchery in Sin City, and that one of them has won a huge jackpot after playing the other's quarter. The newlyweds devise ever-escalating schemes to undermine each other and get their hands on the money – only to find themselves falling in love amid the mutual backstabbing.
Posted by
5:55 pm
Labels: ashton kutcher, cameron diaz, movie review
We found out at work today that an old colleague of ours had committed suicide last week.
This makes the fourth person from our floor who has died in less than 12months, with 2 in the last week alone.
He had been there for as long as I have (over 7 years) and only recently left a few months ago.
He had previously been a tennis umpire and once told me about his run-in with John McEnroe when he was an umpire on the net.
Johnathan, we hope you are finally at peace.
Posted by
6:35 pm
I have been meaning to see this for some time but didn't get around to it until today.
It was great to escape into a fantasy with goblins, elves and a boggart. I'm glad they compressed all the books into one movie, however, as often is the case when adapting books to film, some things were left out and some things were invented and put into the film instead.
Even with that, it was still a great movie and great value too for only $5.
Plot: Peculiar things start to happen the moment the Grace family (Jared, his twin brother Simon, sister Mallory and their mom) leave New York and move into the secluded old house owned by their great, great uncle Arthur Spiderwick. Unable to explain the strange disappearances and accidents that seem to be happening on a daily basis, the family blames Jared. When he, Simon and Mallory investigate what's really going on, they uncover the fantastic truth of the Spiderwick estate and of the creatures that inhabit it.
Posted by
4:27 pm
Labels: movie review
I've just gotten home after dragging Ace off to see a preview of this tonight for which I had won tickets. It's predictable but the best part was the previews before - Will Smith's & Adam Sandler's new movies. They look entertaining!
Plot: Ben Campbell is a shy, brilliant M.I.T. student who – needing to pay school tuition – who finds the answers in the cards. He is recruited to join a group of the school’s most gifted students that heads to Vegas every weekend armed with fake identities and the know-how to turn the odds at blackjack in their favour.
With unorthodox math professor and stats genius Micky Rosa leading the way, they’ve cracked the code. By counting cards and employing an intricate system of signals, the team can beat the casinos big time. Seduced by the money, the Vegas lifestyle, and by his smart and sexy teammate, Jill Taylor, Ben begins to push the limits.
Though counting cards isn’t illegal, the stakes are high, and the challenge becomes not only keeping the numbers straight, but staying one step ahead of the casinos’ menacing enforcer: Cole Williams.
Posted by
11:57 am
Labels: 21, Jim Sturgess, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey, movie review
My sister is back in my mother & stepfather's lives after 7 and a bit years.
She disowned the family and told my mother that she would never see her grandchildren.
When my Grandmother was dying, she refused to come and see her and didn't even bother turning up to the funeral.
Now I have to put up with her and her 4 kids on Mother's Day of all days. At least I won't have to put up with her husband.
I think I'm going to sleep in until lunch time tomorrow...
Posted by
11:48 pm
The rain today was ubelieveble! It rained non stop for at least 5 hours. And we've already exceeded our average rainfall for April!
This happened just up the road (the Carramar one). It is one of my biggest fears because we are on a corner block and there is a bend in the road just behind where our fence is and there are always cars hooning around on that bend. If someone was ever to lose control there, the car would end up in my room, on my bed.
I actually had a close call some time ago - someone did lose control and ended up mounting the kerb and came within 2 metres of my bedroom. It actually woke me up because I could hear the car engine. I went out the next morning and you could see on the lawn the tyre marks and also on our garden bed, where the edging had been moved and all the plants were squashed against the fence. Scary stuff!
Posted by
8:22 pm
Posted by
9:49 pm
Labels: obscure facts, random facts, tidbits
I've had to get a new hard drive because mine crashed - taking everything I had with it. Nothing was able to be recovered. NOTHING!!
I lost all 4000+ of my songs for my Ipod and all my funny pictures, slide shows and movies people had sent me over the years - gone! And worse of all... my favourite websites!
I am slowly getting all my songs back onto the computer but it is a slow process. It's actually turned out to be a bit of a good thing because I had some songs that I had downloaded for a friend (which cost me money but they never offered to pay anything towards it), most of which I didn't like.
I think I'm going to have to back up my computer from now on so it doesn't happen again!
Posted by
11:53 pm
Ace and his wife drove up to my place so we could go see this together.
It's actually a pretty good movie. I must admit it is a bit of a chick flick, but there is some really cool fight scenes - especially the one where the bus is involved! Hayden Christensen is hot in this. It's great that he won't be typecast after doing Star Wars.
Definitely one I will be buying on dvd.
Plot: David Rice always believed he was perfectly ordinary --- until he accidentally discovered he possessed a "talent" that is nothing less than extraordinary. David is a “JUMPER” who can teleport himself to the streets of New York and Tokyo, the ruins of Rome, and the summit of Mt. Everest. He can see twenty sunsets in one night, whisk his girlfriend around the world in the blink of an eye, and grab millions of dollars in a matter of minutes. But David’s global odyssey takes a deadly turn when finds himself relentlessly pursued by a secret organization sworn to kill Jumpers.
Forming an uneasy alliance with another Jumper, David becomes a key player in a war that has been raging for thousands of years. As these world-changing events unfold, David begins to discover the secrets and mythology behind his incredible ability.
Posted by
11:01 pm
Labels: hayden christensen, movie review
I got a call from Ace at about 8 o'clock last night inviting me to his daughter's 5th birthday party for today at the children's playground in Kings Park. He said it was fairly easy to find. As I pointed out to him, I haven't been to Kings Park in over 20 years so had no idea where things were located.
It started at 3 and I only planned on staying for 2 hurs but didn't end up getting home until 9. I thought he meant the children's adventure playground but apparently there's a newer one on the outskirts of the park which is where they were.
At one point his son who is almost 3 couldn't be found. Ace and I went looking for him. I found him and we all headed back to the party for some food and games. But he disappeared again so I checked around the playground and then thought I would check the children's toilets just in case.
He was sitting on the toilet and was literally covered head to foot in you know what! I found Ace and told him his son needed him in the toilets (well, he's not mine so it's not my job to clean him up!)
30 plus minutes later out he comes, clothes soaking wet. Guess who had to keep him entertained in the sun while he dried off? You guessed right!
We didn't end up leaving until almost 7 and I helped them take all the presents back to their place and stayed while they were unwrapped - the kids were too hyped from the sugar and weren't really interested in opening the presents at the party.
It was great fun. Now they get to do it again in a few weeks for their son!
Posted by
10:00 pm
My step-brother hasn't been sleeping here for the last few weeks.
Apparently he's been staying with his new girlfriend, whom he had been seeing while still with the previous girlfriend (bastard). He's in his mid 40's, and his new squeeze is around my age, but his previous girlfriend was his age.
Sounds like a midlife crisis to me...
Posted by
9:48 pm
I caught up with a friend for lunch at The Old Bailey and we decided to go and see a movie. It was a choice between this and Jumper.
The action in the movie was almost as good as the action between some patrons in the cinema.
About 20 minutes into the movie, a teenage boy at the back of the cinema started talking on his mobile phone, not bothering to get up and go outside, so another guy a few rows in front, got up and tried to usher the kid out of the cinema. Obviously the teen didn't want to go and he and the older guy had words, threatening to knock each other's lights out. The older guy then physically dragged the kid out. All in all it was over in 5 minutes, but entertaining nonetheless.
Plot: David Drayton and his young son Billy are among a large group of terrified townspeople trapped in a local grocery store by a strange, otherworldly mist. David is the first to realize that there are things lurking in the mist...deadly, horrifying things...creatures not of this world.
Survival depends on everybody in the store pulling together...but is that possible, given human nature? As reason crumbles in the face of fear and panic, David begins to wonder what terrifies him more: the monsters in the mist - or the ones inside the store, the human kind, the people that until now had been his friends and neighbours?
Posted by
5:13 pm
Labels: movie review, Stephen King, The Mist
You Are Apple Pie |
You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional. You prefer things the way you've always known them. You'll admit that you're old fashioned, and you don't see anything wrong with that. Your tastes and preferences are classic. And classic never goes out of style. Those who like you crave security. People can rely on you to be true to yourself - and true to them. You're loyal, trustworthy, and comfortable in your own skin. And because of these qualities, you've definitely earned a lot of respect. |
Posted by
4:38 pm
3 movies with 3 different people in 2 days. I'm exhausted!
Went to a special screening of this tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it. The girl that plays Maya is the same girl that was in Signs with Mel Gibson. If you thought she was a scene stealer in that (remember the glasses of water?) then you'll love her in this.
Just don't take your man if he's not into 'chick flicks' but is definitely a must see for gal pals.
Plot: Will Hayes is in the midst of divorce when his 10-year-old daughter, Maya, starts to question him about his life before marriage. Will recounts to her the story of the three women who have shared his life. As Maya attempts to figure out which of the women became her mother she begins to understand the complexity of love and Will realizes that it's never too late to go back.
Posted by
10:28 pm
Labels: definitely maybe, movie review
I won double passes to this - I actually entered a friend into a radio station competition as well as myself and we both won! We have been trying for several weeks to see this film, but it has been hard to find a time suitable for all 4 of us. I ended up giving a pass to someone from work and went and saw this with another friend from work.
There's a scene where the polar bears are fighting which is tad disturbing in a children's film though. The special effects and the scenes and scenery is just amazing.
I can't wait for the next installment.
Plot: An exciting fantasy adventure, set in a parallel world where people’s souls manifest themselves as small animals, talking bears fight wars, and children are mysteriously disappearing. At the centre of the story is a 12-year-old girl, Lyra, who sets out to find and rescue her best friend, Roger, and ends up on an extraordinary quest to save not only her own world, but ours as well.
Posted by
7:31 pm
Labels: daniel craig, golden compass, movie review, nicole kidman
Instead of our normal catch up over Vienna Chocolate in Osborne Park, Chook & I decided to go see this instead. I've been hanging out to see it for a while. I never got around to seeing Katherine Heigl in Knocked Up (will see it next 'movie night').
I think the scenes with the cab driver in the beginning were hillarious! Overall a very enjoyable film.
Plot: A woman who has made a career out of being a bridesmaid – but never a bride – faces her worst nightmare when her sister becomes engaged to the man of her dreams. Luckily, the wedding brings around the man who may change her bridesmaid status for good.
Posted by
6:15 pm
Labels: 27 dresses, James Marsden, Katherine Heigl, movie review
Posted by
5:58 pm
Labels: fun, obscure facts, random facts
Got to work this morning and was stopped at Reception by our head of security (he's a bit of a stickler for rules and regulations). He informed the group gathered there, that over the Australia Day weekend there had been a flood in the basement, and that all 3 of our lifts (elevators) would be out of action for the whole week.
Apparently somebody decided they wanted to watch the fireworks on Saturday night from the top of a water tank which is at the top of the ramp to our building's parking area underneath. Somehow they managed to break the tap on the tank, and gravity doing what it does best, directed the water into our basement which happens to be where our lifts 'sleep' when everybody else has gone home.
Thankfully I only have to go up to the 1st floor so it's only 2 flights of stairs, but I pity the people who work on the 8th floor, especially if they are smokers.
The funny thing is that all 3 lifts were scheduled to be out of action next weekend for maintenance. Talk about timing!
Posted by
9:56 pm
A couple of weeks ago I won an in season double pass to this movie. I also managed to win in the same week another 2 double passes to the Golden Compass (which I have not yet seen).
I hadn't seen the first one so decided to hire it out so that I would at least know the characters.
My plans to see it with a friend fell through due to a family crisis so I treated a stranger to the movie. There was a father and son seeing it together, so I told the father that I would use my spare free ticket for him, then all he had to pay for was his son's ticket (which is a lot cheaper than an adults). He was so grateful that he bought me some popcorn.
Plot: Ben Gates once again sets out on an exhilarating, action-packed new global quest to unearth hidden history and treasures. When a missing page from the diary of John Wilkes Booth surfaces, Ben’s great-great grandfather is suddenly implicated as a key conspirator in Abraham Lincoln’s death. Determined to prove his ancestor’s innocence, Ben follows an international chain of clues that takes him on a chase from Paris to London and ultimately back to America. This journey leads Ben and his crew not only to surprising revelations – but to the trail of the world’s most treasured secrets.
Posted by
1:32 pm
Labels: movie review, national treasure - book of secrets, nicholas cage
At a loose end with no chores to do I decided to escape for the afternoon to cooler climes - an air conditioned cinema had the greatest appeal.
I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Will Smith's character is a bit like Tom Hanks' in Castaway where he 'talks' Mr Wilson. A few scenes make you jump in your seat, but it is really well done.
The sets were amazing. Eerie, but amazing. You really felt as though you were there. It's scary to think that with all the great advances in medicine, there could be a downside too.
Plot: Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable…and man-made. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City…and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by “The Infected” – victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings who can only exist in the dark and who will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, The Infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville’s every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind’s last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what The Infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.
Posted by
5:07 pm
Labels: i am legend, movie review, wil smith
Well... it looks like my step brother will be moving in for a few days until he can sort something out or reconcile with his girlfriend.
This means that my tv room will now be his bedroom (which happens to be right next to mine!) and I will have to share a bathroom (something I haven't done for 8 years).
Posted by
7:12 pm
Your Leprechaun Name Is:
Posted by
4:28 pm
When the first one came out here a couple of years ago, I had already seen it on dvd. I have never seen any of the Alien movies and have only seen the first Predator movie with Arnie in it.
This one was much better than the first one. At times the screen was so dark you couldn't see any details (especially those of the hybrid).
It picks up immediately where the first movie ended.
Plot: The quiet town of Gunniston, Colorado is besieged by space-faring creatures when a Predator's spaceship lands to try to clean up an Alien infestation and the age-old battle between the species is renewed.
Posted by
2:13 pm
Labels: alien v predator, aliens, movie review, predator
I had only just gone to bed when I was woken up again around 2AM by my step-brother who was knocking on the front door, wanting to sleep on the couch after he'd had a fight with his girlfriend.
He ended up in the spare bedroom on the double bed - he's over 6 foot so it wasn't a comforatable sleep but he would never have fit on either of the couches.
I didn't get back to sleep until close to 4, and then was up early because I was going to a morning session at the movies.
Haven't heard from him yet, so hopefully he has patched things up and won't be stopping by again at an ungodly hour!
Posted by
12:03 pm
A work colleague went to New Zealand for a holiday over the Christmas/New Year break. Instead of rest and relaxation this happened to her.
She has a fractured vertebra, lost 1/2 inch of height, wearing a neck/back brace and will be off work for at least 5 weeks.
The upside is that it happened at the end of her holiday, not the beginning.
Posted by
4:26 pm
Labels: Hamner, hamner jet-boat accident, New Zealand
I was at a loose end after meeting up with a friend for our bi-monthly catch-up over hot chocolate at a cafe in Osborne Park, so decided to go and see this. Greater Union cinema's in Innaloo now have allocated seats for when you purchase your tickets.
His Scottish accent is just to die for (so much sexier than Sean Connery's) and he's not bad on the eyes either. So to is Jeffrey Dean Morgan, fake Irish accent and all. I highly recommend this film and would suggest you take some tissues when you go to see this.
Plot: Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly (Hilary Swank) and Gerry (Gerard Butler). Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other’s sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry’s death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He’s left her a bundle of notes, one for each of the months after his death, gently guiding Holly into her new life without him, each note signed “PS, I love you”.
As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on. With some help from her friends and her noisy, loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing – and being braver than ever before. Life is for living, she realises – but it always helps if there’s an angel watching over you.
Posted by
4:48 pm
Labels: movie review, p.s. I love you
I headed decided to head indoors to keep cool today and what better place than the movies. My plan with regards to movies at the moment is to see those that have been showing the longest first, and hopefully I get to see all the ones I want to.
It's an okay movie which the kids will love (the couple in front of me decided to bring their 3 children, 1 of which was still a baby which grizzled throughout the entire movie *grrr*) and it's something you can completely veg out to watch because it doesn't require any thinking on your part.
Plot: Having just graduated from college, a bee by the name of Barry B Benson (voice of Jerry Seinfeld), finds himself disillusioned with the prospect of having only one career choice – honey. As he ventures outside of the hive for the first time, he breaks one of the cardinal rules of the bee world and talks to a human, a New York City florist named Vanessa (Renee Zellweger). He is shocked to discover that the humans have been stealing and eating the bees’ honey for centuries, and ultimately realises that his true calling in life is to set the world right by suing the human race for stealing their precious honey.
As a result, the bee and human communities get involved in ways they never had before, each one of them pointing a finger at the other. Barry gets caught up in the middle and finds himself with some very unusual problems to solve.
Posted by
7:35 pm
Labels: bee movie, jerry seinfeld, movie review, renee zellweger