Sunday 13 December 2009

Random Facts 29

  1. There are more people in the world who eat alligators than there are alligators that eat people.
  2. When viewed from above, rainbows appear dough-nut shaped.
  3. The Statue of Liberty's index finger is about 2.5 metres in length.
  4. A cat keeps purring when inhaling and exhaling.
  5. An ostrich egg can make 11.5 omelettes.
  6. Someone who has an irrational fear of meat is carnophobic.
  7. A snail can sleep for three years.
  8. The valves of the human heart are as thick as a single piece of tissue paper.
  9. A claque refers to a group of people hired to applaud and act or performer.
  10. Prior to launching his movie career, Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto, Canada.

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