Saturday, 20 October 2007

Long Overdue Operation

I finally had my tonsils removed yesterday after suffering excruciating bouts of tonsillitis off and on over the last 25 years.

I was up by 4.30am because I needed to be at the hospital by 6 (my operation wasn't until 10) so was pretty tired and kept snoozing before they came to get me.

When I came out of theatre my throat was absolutely killing me and I was starving. Thank god for morphine!

They took me up to my room and brought me some sandwiches, then not an hour later my lunch came around and I had ordered ice cream! Man that felt good on my throat. I had the room all to myself until the next morning for only about 30 minutes until they went off for their procedure.

I kept sleeping on and off all afternoon, waking up only when they came in to check my vitals or to give me my medications.

I had ice cream with dinner and one of the nurses managed to find me an icy pole when she woke me around midnight for another check.

I was a little bit stressed because they managed to lose my overnight bag which had all my belongings in it including my ipod as well as some throat lozenges which I was dying for. I didn't get my bag until the following morning not long before I was discharged.

My voice is different which they say will eventually correct itself and I am a walking pharmacy with the amount of medication I will need to take. Thankfully I've not had to take the really strong stuff (similar to morphine) because that has some nasty side effects.

I was supposed to have another procedure done at the same time on my nose to improve my breathing, but the anaethatist was concerned about the risks. Apparently my tonsils were so large they were obstructing over 75% of my airway which was causing my sleep apnoea and my snoring. Since they've been removed I've not been snoring!

I have 2 weeks off work to recover! Now I'm off to have some jelly!

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